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19 Crimes Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. 19 Crimes Cabernet Sauvignon is definitely a drink for the good times with its rich history and delicious palate. Dark cherry fruit, red currants, and chocolate, and the soft tannins provide a lingering finish.

19 Crimes Pinot Noir 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. Medium bodied with soft, round tannins, cherry and strawberry fruit sweetness which complements spice oak undertones.

19 Crimes Red Blend 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. The Red Blend is full and round on the palate with a distinct sweetness and spice, giving a rich and round mouth feel.

19 Crimes Shiraz 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. The 19 Crimes Shiraz is full of flavours of raspberries, dark plums, and chocolate. Plush tannins provide a lingering finish.

19 Crimes The Uprising Rum Aged Red 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. 19 Crimes The Uprising Rum Aged Red Aged spends 30 days in rum barrels. Intensely rich with a jammy finish. Notes of sweet mocha, caramel and spice.

30 Mile Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Deep purple in colour with crimson hues. Fragrant cassis, ripe plum with hints of mint and subtle cedar oak aromas. Rich black fruits and sweet plum with fine grain tannins and well integrated oak, makes this a soft generous wine. Enjoy with duck or rabbit. This wine has the flavour, structure and balance to be enjoyed now or offers added satisfaction from further cellaring.

Allan Scott Estate Merlot 750ml

Splendidly ripe and fragrant with black Doris plum, sweet cherry, cedary oak, olive and subtle spice notes, leading to a beautifully weighted palate offering silken texture and fine polished tannins. Flavoursome and immediately appealing. Vegan friendly.

Angove Organic Merlot 750ml

The Certified Organic grapes for Angove's Organic Merlot were sourced from their own Nanya vineyard located in the Riverland, South Australia. Striking dark ruby red with aromas of raspberry and plum before an intriguing palate of dark red fruits that is complemented by subtle use of oak providing extra depth of character.

Angove Organic Shiraz 750ml

Certified Organic & Vegan Friendly. This wine is deep red with purple hues in colour. Aromas of raspberry, red cherries and spice on the nose. Subtle pepper and chocolate with soft oak flavours on the palate, it has a soft yet earthy finish.

Angus The Bull Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Intense colour with bright purple hues. Vibrant black fruits with rich dark chocolate and subtle vanillin oak aromas. Medium to full bodies palate weight, characterised by satisfying tannins and savoury masculine finish. An ideal accompaniment to red meat and premium cuts of prime beef.

Angus Wee Angus Merlot 750ml

Sharing the same impeccable breeding as its big brother, the youthful exuberance of Wee Angus is revealed through the gentle plummy characters of Merlot. A subtle touch of vanillin oak and a generous finish combine to create the perfect accompaniment to your next barbeque.

Arrogant Frog Ribet Red Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 750ml

Elegant and complex with aromas of ripe black fruits, blackcurrant leaf combined with spicy notes such as liquorice and vanilla. Well-balanced with smooth tannins and a long finish.
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